Canadian Military
Housing Allowance

Previously Named Post Living Differential (PLD), the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) now offers a new "Military Housing Allowance" called the Canadian Forces Housing Differential (CFHD), which is redesigned to assiste members in finding suitable housing. The CFHD is a monthly additional allowance which is based on a member's salary, rank and location.
View the new Canadian Armed Forces Housing Allowance chart below.
*Credit www.canada.ca > Military Benefits. Effective 1 July 2023. This website is not affiliated with DND
Answer cited direct from Gov of Canada :
"The Canadian Forces Housing Differential (CFHD) policy is a sophisticated approach (inclusive of GBA+ analysis) with the goal of assisting CAF members in adjusting to housing costs in different locations within Canada. Thus, providing military members (when applicable) an equitable differential for housing costs when posted to a place of duty".
View Military pay, per trade, as well as other financial compensation and benefits packages for CAF members and their families :
Pay of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
Allowances for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
Transportation and Travelling Expenses
Canadian Military PLD - Background
Efforts to obtain a cost of living benefit for Military go back to at least the mid 1980s when the CAF surveyed selected Military locations and determined variations in cost of living (per Base) and the effects it had on Military & families Postings. In late 1990s the Parliamentary Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs (SCONDVA) recommended and approved the implementation of PLD, making the allowance the first of it’s kind within the Federal Government of Canada.
How did PLD work?
The PLD works to stabilize the cost of living for CAF Members. PLD is paid monthly on top of salaries of CAF Members. PLD varies per locations within Canada dependent on the location cost of living. Link to latest PLD per Base chart link is below.
How was PLD Calculated?
Each year, during March timeframe, each Base PLD rate is based on the following: CMHC's data on typical housing types and costs. National Defence data on Military population and local impact on economy. Once annual data is compiled, changes to PLD are calculated by May. By June/July the new figures are entered into the CAF pay system and the changes are announced to Military & families. By August, CAF Members will see the changes on their monthly pay statements.
Are these Housing Benefits taxed ?
Yes, they are taxed. As a result, an increment is added when calculating the rates to offset the income tax paid on the allowance. This means the allowance involves marginal tax allowance for loss through taxation. Will PPLD be a taxable benefit as well ? Absolutely!
What was PLD at my Military Base?
For prior PLD amounts (which are now being fazed out for PPLD purposes), click on Base Post Living Differential (PLD) chart: Military PLD here. Remember the new Housing Allowance chart is available above.
Are you Posted ?
Questions on BGRS? click here
Questions on your HHT? click here
Need a BGRS Approved Relocation Realtor ?
If you need a Realtor to actually help you navigate PLD, PPLD, your COS, an HHT and more ?