| Meaford, Ontario

| Meadford, ON
Community of Meaford Situated on the southern shore of Georgian Bay, the Municipality of Meaford extends North West to the boundary of the City of Owen Sound and to the South East boundary of the Town of the Blue Mountains. It is located within the Georgian Triangle region and known as one of Canada’s fi nest four seasons resort areas. Located directly on Highway 26, Meaford is home to a vibrant and critically acclaimed summer theatre festival, numerous fi ne dining establishments, two of Ontario’s best hiking and cycling trail systems, excellent fishing and waterfront camping. Meaford and the surrounding area have something for everyone. Community of Collingwood Collingwood is located on the shores of Georgian Bay, and our waterfront provides endless opportunities for boating, fishing, recreation activities and so much more! In the heart of Ontario’s fi nest four-season destination area, Collingwood offers a combination of old time charm and history with the best recreation in Southern Ontario.
Whether a Military relocation to Collingwood as a full or part time resident, or looking for a new weekend retreat, Collingwood offers you all of the amenities and support you require. There are great opportunities in this area in business, tourism and industry. Community of Owen Sound The City of Owen Sound is located on the southern shores of Georgian Bay in a valley below the sheer rock cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment. Owen Sound is characterized by a magnificent harbour and bay, two winding rivers, tree-lined streets, an extensive parks system, and tree-covered hillsides and ravines, which are home to a wide variety of fl ora and fauna. Owen Sound is the largest urban community in Grey and Bruce Counties, which combined represent a primary commercial market approx. 160,000. Owen Sound is the seat of the County of Grey government, and is the location for a number of regional, provincial and federal government offi ces. There are twelve elementary schools, three secondary schools, six private schools in addition to a Georgian College campus. We welcome you to CFB Meaford and the nearby communities !
CFB Meaford
Base Services with links :
CFB Meaford - Base Facebook Page
Military Family Resource Centre Meaford
Meaford Emergency and Healthcare Services

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