Home Buying Tips for Military

Deciding to Buy
As you examine your own financial future it's a good idea to have a look at the overall market conditions, mortgage interest rates friends and your personal implications of buying versus renting at your new Posting. Housing prices can fluctuate in mortgage rates can change quickly. It is recommended that you seek to be pre-approved, prior to arriving on your HHT. That way, you can stay ahead of other buyers and move quickly to secure your home, especially in a competitive sellers market. You'll also need to consider the length of time you anticipate being at that location. Will it be for a relatively short or do you expect to be there for longer time? Also, make sure you are communicating with BGRS. View a list of Q & A's regarding BGRS, FAQ here.
Financial considerations
Residential Mortgage contracts can intimidate even the most season homeowners and buyers. Consequently, the financial liabilities and obligations are sometimes not fully understood. Talk with a mortgage rep well versed in the DND Clause, so that you don't get stuck with a fixed rate penalty upon your next Posting. More questions answered in our HHT FAQ section here.
Deciding What You Want
Time spent determining your housing needs before starting at home well spent. Establish what you think is best, giving your specific requirements. We encourage you to discuss your needs and preferences with other members of your family to help you make a good decision regarding it for ability level most comfortable for you, type of neighborhood and most appropriate housing style.
Your ability to afford a home will take into consideration all monthly costs against what you can comfortably carry with your household income. What you can afford on paper, however might not be what you will be comfortable with. Only you can decide what is affordable for you. The price range of potential homes in your new location will usually be the primary consideration. Remember to factor in regular maintenance expenses not even an initial cost. Consider your usual monthly expenses and payments. Establish your price range of the start and it will focus your search the most suitable homes. Make sure your expectations are realistic for the new neighborhood by comparing your desired price range on the current housing prices in your new community. Also consider the cost of commuting in, especially with today's increasing gas prices.
Choosing your new place
Now that you have carefully considered the price range, location & type of home you want, look at ways to get the most out of your HHT and find just the right home for you. Make sure you pick the right Realtor for you.
Choose a Realtor familiar with Military relocation
We have a list of BGRS approved Realtors that will help take the stress out of your next HHT or local move.
See Further Military & RCMP Relocation Tools here.