1. Tell them about the move ASAP !
It's not exactly a fun conversation to have and it's not always possible to predict how each child will react but COS news tends to travel fast, and you want to make sure your kids hear it first. Kids are very perceptive and tend to pick up queues. If you’re stressed, they probably sense something is going on. Consider having a family conversation soonest.
2. Communication is key.
Kids may not know that a full range of emotions is normal. Encourage your kids to express and process their feelings and ask questions. If they’re not verbal processors, maybe have them a journal or draw pictures. If you can, maybe share your own feelings and let them know the range of emotions that you may be going through too.
3. Empower them.
Find age-appropriate ways to get the kids involved in the moving process. Let them help you look at houses online. Encourage them to pack their own stuff. Even minor 22 23 decisions like what color marker to use to label boxes can make a big difference in helping your children feel like involved participants.
4. Use online support.
Sometimes kids are more receptive to new ideas when they hear it from someone other than their parents. MFRCs across Canada have multiple tools that can help Military families and youth . They have tools for Military spouses and parents as well, so if you need some advice or help, reach out to them. Visit MFRC resources online here.
5. Read books about moving.
Books are some of the best resources as a parent c, especially for younger children. They educate through fun stories and characters, but also act as great conversation starters. Visit your local library, MFRC or order a couple online at Amazon to find some good ones about moving.
6. Visit your new home.
Not moving very far? Take the whole family on a road-trip to your new Posting Base. Explore the area, pick a couple of fun spots such as parks, restaurants and other local attractions. Moving too far to visit? Explore your destination online. Regardless of the distance you’re moving, it’s always important to research the area as a family, before you move.
7. Use your imagination.
Even if you haven't chosen your house or had your HHT, let your kids imagine what their new life will be like such as; how do they want to decorate their new rooms and what kinds of activities, sports or hobbies do they want to try? Chat about all the possibilities and new friends they could meet.
8. Give them a chance to say good-bye!
By giving your kids ample notice, this allows them the valuable chance to process the big change. This doesn’t just mean saying farewell to friends, as they can keep contact through Zoom or social media. Is “good-bye” too hard to say? ” It’s a small military world, and it’s not uncommon to be Posted with friends again, for a second time.
See Further Military & RCMP Relocation Tools here.